AKS HPA does not scale in
Hi there,
We use HPA on our AKS clusters but it doesn't seem to work correctly. While our load is around 0%, HPA never scales it in. Even if we manually scale it in to 1 pod, it scale it back out with an empty reason.
it's also not really clear why it keeps those num of pods there (2 and 5)
Here's backend-web HPA spec for example
events from the HPA are not really useful here:
sometimes it fails to get metrics but it doesn't happen constantly, so I doubt it affects anything.
I also found a similar forum question but it looks like nobody works on that: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/844841/hpa-is-not-working-properly-in-aks
Can you please suggest if there's any known issue with AKS HPA? Thank you in advance.