Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'. The server is not currently configured to accept this token.

Nitish Chauhan 76 Reputation points

I am repeatedly getting this issue when using Managed Service Identity to connect SQL from Visual Studio 2022 17.4.4.

It is intermittent, although once I'm stuck it is very hard to clear.

I have tried the following
-'az account clear' 'az login'
-Tools -> Options -> Azure Service Authentication -> Re-enter your credentials -> Use MFA
-Credential Manager and Remove all profiles
-Clear all browser cache and memory (on every browser including Edge)

Happens both multiple networks (work and home) and on or off VPN.

It just keeps asking me to Re-enter my credentails on Tools -> Options -> etc. in a loop.

Is there any way to fix this or understand where this is memory can be cleared? Or is this an issue with AAD.

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  1. PercyTang-MSFT 12,426 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Nitish Chauhan

    You can check if the workaround in this thread helps you.


    Best regards,

    Percy Tang

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