Hi @Brook Bi ,
From your SQL server summary log, you have installed one default instance and one named instances of SQL 2019 on the machine. Now you want to install a new one but failed.
The error message "The system cannot find the path specified" showed that there are some files of SQL Server basic component couldn't be located. It is possible that these files are corrupted or the access for these files is denied.
I would suggest you downloading SQL server setup again from this link, running the SQL Server installation media as administrator. When you reinstalling the SQL Server, on server configuration page, please change the SQL Server Database Engine account and SQL Server Agent account to local System(NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) to ensure these accounts have enough permission.
If it is not work, try to uninstall failed components follow this blog and reinstalled SQL server setup as administrator again. Refer to this similar thread.
If they are not work, please check your SQL server setup log. Detail.txt is usually the best file to dig into as Erland mentioned.
Best regards,
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