Why adaptive card is rendered as a table in Microsoft Teams chat?

Chinnam, Harish Naidu 10 Reputation points

In previous version of Microsoft Teams, the adaptive card is rendered as a card and now I see a table like structure with rows and columns with the contents of the card. The content is fine but why is it rendered as a table instead of a card?

The card also truncates and have to click on see more in order to see the complete card. How to do display the complete card by default as it is not too large. (Just 5 lines and two buttons in the adaptive card).

This behavior change is noticed from Microsoft Team application version: (64-bit)

Please look into this and let me know if I have to change any rendering properties or so to see the content as a card.

Thanks in advance.


Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
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