I'm using BCP for linux / mac (version 18.2.0001.1) to load data to an Azure SQL Database. I can pass a token using -G and -P with a path to a saved token file, as described in the linux guide on learn.
I'd like to do something similar in Windows, but it doesn't appear that the latest bcp windows version (15.0.4298.1) can use a token w/ the -G & -P parameters. If I use those parameters, it tries to use Azure Active Directory authentication directly. I'm taking this from the command list on learn.
My questions are:
1 - Is there any way to run the windows version of bcp w/ a token?
2 - Is there any way to run the linux / mac version of bcp on windows (other than something like docker/WSL)?
3 - If no to both of the above, is there any plan to add this functionality to the windows version or merge the two versions feature sets in some way?