SPO Modern JSON - Format a Multiline Text Field that Uses Enhanced RTF

Crazy Dance 20 Reputation points

Hello Community,

I am working in SharePoint Online Modern, and I am building a JSON Formatted List View. In the list, there are several Multi-Line Text Fields that use Enhanced Rich Text. Some of these fields contain hyperlinks formatted in HTML. When I display those field's values, I get the following kind of results:

User's image

Here is my JSON code:

				"elmType": "div",
				"attributes": {
				  "class": "sp-row-listPadding"
				"style": {
				  "padding": ".75em",
				  "font-weight": "Bold"
				"txtContent": "System Description"
				"elmType": "div",
				"attributes": {
				  "class": "sp-row-listPadding"
				"style": {
				  "padding": ".75em"
				"txtContent": "[$System_x0020_Description]"

Has any else found a way to build a view with JSON and Enhanced Rich Text and been able to display the HTML properly? If so, please provide guidance and examples.



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  1. Zehui Yao_MSFT 5,846 Reputation points

    Hi Crazy Dance

    From the Formatting column with long text to multiple-line with word wrap site:

    It is not recommended to use rich text fields with List Formatting.

    And according to this Microsoft article, multi-line text column with enhanced rich text is not supported within JSON column formatting.

    So I suggest you apply JSON formatting to plain text column.

    If you want this by OOTB, I suggest you can raise a thread in the SharePoint feedback portal.

    Hope this helps. Best Wishes.

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