Hello Everyone
I am having troubles with solving an issue with DNS name translation.
I think the issue stems from DNS not translating properly because I have checked the network settings and it seems fine to me.
Browser Error Message:
"502 Bad Gateway"
1.Domain name was purchased via App Service Domain.
2.TLS certificates are from a well-known CA.
(TLS certifcates were imported into the server, exported as .pfx files and upload to the application gateway)
3.Public and Private DNS already configured (with child DNS Zone).
- Records have been created.
- Backend server: windows server.
Network Environment:
- Hub and Spoke network environment Application gateway, firewall and DNS (public and private) resides in the hub network.
- Network architecture: Client PC→Application Gateway→Azure Firewall→Backend server.
- FW rules allow https port traffic to the backend target subnet.
- Routes to and from both networks have been created.
- Private DNS already linked to the backend target network.
- Application gateway backend probe not configured.
NSG test: OK
Network connection test: Fails with "Socket could not be opened to run the connectivity check" on the backend target.
Backend Health: Unhealthy (Received invalid status code: 502 in the backend server’s HTTP response. As per the health probe configuration, 200-399 is the acceptable status code. Either modify probe configuration or resolve backend issues.)
Any help would be appreciated.