Server load from Microsoft IP address

Sobotka Jakub 20 Reputation points


In our company we run servers in AWS and in the last few months we have been regularly generating high traffic from IP address, which we found out is from Microsoft's range. This address was generating high CPU load on a weekly basis and this was affecting the availability of our web applications. After we blocked this IP address on WAF, the problems stopped. However, we would like to know what service is running on this IP address. Is it even realistic to find out?

Thanks a lot

Jakub Sobotka

A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
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  1. JimmySalian-2011 41,936 Reputation points


    This IP address range is used by Microsoft Azure Platform services and it is one of the critical IP address, I will suggest you to investigate what and where exactly it is taking up CPU load, this range is assigned to AzureCloud.eastus2 region.

    The range is used by Azure for API and Network Security Group service tags.

    Explore more on the range over here by downloading the latest IP address file.

    Hope this helps.



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