@Anonymous Thanks for reaching out. Sharing some thought on the above issue.
Yes, you can send the batch messages to service bus using the SDK and the sample code can be found here. If you are using the service bus output binding, then you cannot send the batch message. It will treat it as a single message that will be send to the service bus. When you set maxMessagesCount as 10 then it means that max message that can be retrieve is 10 in a single call and it doesn't guarantee as the maximum message size that retrieve from service bus is the max size of the message. So, if your individual message is around 220 KB and max size supported is 256KB then it will only retrieve once message in a signal call and that could be reason you observe that only one message item is retrieved. Ben has already shared the document for SB performance
In case if you have any specific queries feel free to get back to me.