In reviewing Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols - Bicep, ARM template & Terraform AzAPI reference | Microsoft Learn, I don't think setting an individual csproj is possible. I don't see how GitHubActionCodeConfiguration
will be helpful because your stack will be same. I believe the best course of action is using GitHubActionConfiguration
to generate a workflow file from bicep into the repo and then updating that workflow file after the fact with the artifacts you want.
How to specify csproj file for Bicep's SourceControl resource?
Siegfried Heintze
Reputation points
I've been encourage to cross post! Here is the original:
To summarize:
This example ( works because there is a single SLN file that contains a single CSPROJ file for a single web app.
How do I use the SourceControl Resource in my bicep code if my SLN file contains lots of CSPROJ files and only one of the CSPROJ files contains the code for the Azure Web App (or Azure Function app) that I want to deploy?
A working example would be lovely!
Accepted answer
Ryan Hill 29,651 Reputation points Microsoft Employee