

在VS2022中,我在试着调用Azure TTS ,将中文文本合成语音。当text为纯英文时,可以合成并读出,但当text中包含中文或纯 中文时,程序出错,不能合成语音(如下图)。问题在哪 里?


Azure AI Speech
Azure AI Speech
An Azure service that integrates speech processing into apps and services.
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A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
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  1. Minxin Yu 12,596 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi, @Frank

    I modified the snippet to make sure Chinese can be stored in wstring.

    You can copy the snippet below and replace with your key. To avoid cmd echo, use system("chcp 936 > nul")

    std::wstring text; setlocale(LC_ALL, "chs"); getline(wcin,text);

    #include "stdafx.h"
    // <code>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <speechapi_cxx.h>
    #include <string>
    #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")
    using namespace std;
    using namespace Microsoft::CognitiveServices::Speech;
    void synthesizeSpeech()
        system("chcp  936");
        // Creates an instance of a speech config with specified subscription key and service region.
        // Replace with your own subscription key and service region (e.g., "westus").
        auto config = SpeechConfig::FromSubscription("key", "eastasia");
        auto language = "zh-CN"; 
        // Set the voice name, refer to https://aka.ms/speech/voices/neural for full list.
        // Creates a speech synthesizer using the default speaker as audio output. The default spoken language is "en-us".
        auto synthesizer = SpeechSynthesizer::FromConfig(config);
        // Receive a text from console input and synthesize it to speaker.
        cout << "Type some text that you want to speak..." << std::endl;
        cout << "> ";
        std::wstring text;
        setlocale(LC_ALL, "chs");
        wcout << L"Input Speech synthesized to speaker for text [" << text << "]" << std::endl;
        auto result = synthesizer->SpeakTextAsync(text).get();
        // Checks result.
        if (result->Reason == ResultReason::SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
            wcout << L"Speech synthesized to speaker for text [" << text << "]" << std::endl;
        else if (result->Reason == ResultReason::Canceled)
            auto cancellation = SpeechSynthesisCancellationDetails::FromResult(result);
            cout << "CANCELED: Reason=" << (int)cancellation->Reason << std::endl;
            if (cancellation->Reason == CancellationReason::Error)
                cout << "CANCELED: ErrorCode=" << (int)cancellation->ErrorCode << std::endl;
                cout << "CANCELED: ErrorDetails=[" << cancellation->ErrorDetails << "]" << std::endl;
                cout << "CANCELED: Did you update the subscription info?" << std::endl;
        // This is to give some time for the speaker to finish playing back the audio
        cout << "Press enter to exit..." << std::endl;
    int wmain()
        catch (exception e)
            cout << e.what();
        return 0;

    Best regards,

    Minxin Yu

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    1 person found this answer helpful.

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  1. Dillon Silzer 57,631 Reputation points

    Hello Frank,

    Please try looking at the following:

    CPP Text-To-Speech quickstart doesnot work on Chinese


    Here may be a solution:

    First off, the root cause of the problem is that the string format coming from the console isn't capturing the non-ascii characters properly. The (quickest) solution for that would be to use the std::wstring overloads for SpeakTextAsync to ensure properly encoded strings are passed in. (Alternately, the std::string overload will work with a UTF-8 encoded string) Later on the Speech SDK internally hits an error due to the string encoding not being what was expected, and doesn't return an overly useful error. I've opened a bug in our internal tracking system to address that.

    If this is helpful please accept answer.

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