I have passed the az-900 exam but I am not able to download the certificate.
Appointment Details
Order Number: 0067-8032-5394
Exam:AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - English (ENU) Candidate:Tadiwos TaddeseCandidate ID:MS0995378142Registration ID:453473228 Date:Friday, 30 June 2023Time:11:45 AM British Summer Time (Time shown is the test centre's local time.)Appointment Length (includes time to review the Candidate Agreement, instructions and tutorial, answer the exam questions and provide comments; if the exam does not include labs, the time will be 20 minutes less than this by design)65 MinutesExam:AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - English (ENU)Candidate:Tadiwos TaddeseCandidate ID:MS0995378142Registration ID:453473228Date:Friday, 30 June 2023Time:11:45 AM British Summer Time (Time shown is the test centre's local time.)Appointment Length (includes time to review the Candidate Agreement, instructions and tutorial, answer the exam questions and provide comments; if the exam does not include labs, the time will be 20 minutes less than this by design)65 Minutes