Front Door responds with OriginTimeout after ~4 seconds despite larger timeout setting

Sergey Stoma 20 Reputation points


We have 90 seconds timeout configured as the origin timeout setting. However, from time to time Front Door fails just after 4 seconds with OriginTimeout setting, something like below. It looks like these requests don't even reach the origin. What could be causing the timeout on the FD side?

"timeToFirstByte": "3.997",

"timeTaken": "3.997",

"httpStatusCode": "504",

"httpStatusDetails": "504",

"pop": "CHG",

"cacheStatus": "CONFIG_NOCACHE",

"errorInfo": "OriginTimeout",

"ErrorInfo": "OriginTimeout",

Azure Front Door
Azure Front Door
An Azure service that provides a cloud content delivery network with threat protection.
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