@Giacomo , thank you for posting this question and apologies for the delayed response.
You are right, the MonitoringHost.exe process is the child process of HealthService (display Name: "Microsoft Monitoring Agent"). This agent is installed in 2 scenarios:
- As System Center Operations Manager agent (SCOM Agent) - If you are using SCOM, then the steps mentioned in the question (related to disabling "Monitor" and enabling them one by one) are applicable. This is done by SCOM console.
- This agent is also used as Log Analytics agent, which is used to send the telemetry from machine to Azure Log Analytics Workspace. If you are using the agent for this purpose, the steps mentioned in the question don't apply.
How do you identify the scenario of agent usage?
On the machine, open "Control Panel" --> search for "Agent" and you would see "Microsoft Monitoring Agent" listed.
Open that:
- If you have something populated in "Operations Manager" tab, as shown below, then this agent is being used as SCOM agent (scenario 1 above). If this is the case, you should connect with your SCOM administrator team and seek help to troubleshoot this issue. The SCOM console, will be available most probably on the server mentioned as "Primary Management Server" in the screenshot below (or it could be on another server as well)
- On the other hand, if the "Azure Log Analytics (OMS)" tab has details of "Workspace Id" mentioned, then this agent is being used as Log Analytics agent.
After identifying the nature of agent, there are some common steps that can be taken to troubleshoot both the scenarios
- Upgrade the agent to the latest version.
- The "Operations Manager" event log in "EventViewer" can help understand the issue better. Check these logs for events of "Warning, Error, Critical" level to understand if there are errors being logged. These should help diagnose the issue further.
- You should also check the Application, system and security event logs to understand if there are other issues that might be causing this behavior.
The Troubleshooting guide for windows LA agent should help diagnose this issue further as it contains a varierty of scenarios available as a diagnosing script.
Hope this helps.
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