Accessing VAAC outside of Power BI
I'm attempting to access VAAC Data using Postman/PowerShell, but I'm facing some challenges. In the article "Accessing VAAC outside of Power BI," they provide an example of using a username and password, but it didn't work for me, (I used a Work account) --> the Error stated that I need to provid the necessary username parameter (I did that).
Then, I came across this article on StackOverflow LINK, which I'm uncertain if it is still true.
Next, I attempted to access it using the clientId and secret, as they are specifically designed for this purpose. Unfortunately, that approach also didn't yield any results. (I tested all of this in Postman and PowerShell)
Also, is there a list of the scopes that work for this? Because the example uses a string, and PowerShell wants a string with "/.default".
Ah, and the permissions I tried: "Teams Communications Administrator" and "Global Reader" (for user and app).
(I'm also interested to know if the data is the same as from the Graph API from communications/records/sessions?$expand=segments because in the report, there are missed calls displayed, and MS didn't support missed calls in the Graph API w(゚Д゚)w)
I'm open to any advice or suggestions. Here's an example of the PowerShell script I tried:
$body = @{
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token" -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $body -Method Post
$accessToken = $res.access_token
#Write-Host $accessToken
$apiUrl = ""
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Method Get -Headers (@{Authorization="Bearer $accessToken"})
Write-Host $response
#this returns a (401) Unauthorized.