HTML element only shows upon refresh and only affects 1 user

Have web based application running on Edge. Very baffling, one user enters a client profile page page which has workform.css & different other elements behind it but one element flashes up very briefly and then disappears, leaving a blank space where it should be. When user exits page and goes back into it the element then appears and stays, regardless of how many more times it is exited/accessed.
However, all users use same workform style sheets located on application server (if indeed this is the issue at all) and yet it is only this one single user whom has problems. For everyone else the profile page loads as expected.
We have even tried different browsers AND pc's to eliminate machine specific issues yet it continues to be a problem for this single user.
BUT... I have logged in on my pc as this user and do NOT get the issue so I am totally confused how this can be. I am however no HTML or F12 developer so this is effectively rocket science for me.
*apologies if wrong tags, but first time and it's non intuitive.