Hi @Jaksa Damjanovic ,
Based on what I could find, your observation is correct that the tenant id "9cd80435-793b-4f48-844b-6b3f37d1c1f3" gets returned for personal email addresses or consumer Microsoft tenants (gmail.com, outlook.com, etc). This is referenced in the scripts here and here. The first script return TenantName = 'Personal Email Addresses' when that ID appears. It seems that personal email addresses, officeapps.live.com , and MSA Realm tenants would resolve to that ID.
if ($_.Name -eq '9cd80435-793b-4f48-844b-6b3f37d1c1f3') {
$TenantName = 'Personal Email Addresses'
The ID would get returned when customers sign up using their Microsoft accounts. I was unable to find a detailed description of the history of this tenant, but I reached out to the product team to see if they could provide more details and will edit this post if they are able to offer additional documentation. The domain itself is provided by Microsoft. Another user made a similar observation in the Github issue here , and I have surfaced this discussion with the engineering team.
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