Where is the generic.xbf file associated with the WindowsAppSDK NuGet?
When we create a custom WinUI3 NuGet with xaml resources (e.g., Resource Dictionaries with custom styles), we need to provide the corresponding XBF/XAML files along with other NuGet files(e.g.: .dll, .winmd etc) in order to copy them to the client application's output location. However, the self-contained WinUI3 application's output directory does not contain any XBF/XAML files associated with WindowsAppSDK NuGet, such as generic.xaml or generic.xbf.
How does the client application getting XAML resources from WindowsAppSDK NuGet ?
Does the WindowsAppSDK have a specific location where it stores its XBF/XAML files?
If so, may we incorporate this method into our custom NuGet?