SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error when checking Blob URI with SAS token has not expired
Hi, I have a service that stores files in Blob/Containers, and each file is listed in my web app with a URI to download it, protected with a SAS token. In order to avoid presenting the ugly XML "token expired" response when the SAS Token expires, I send the URI for the blob through a proxy that checks if it is still valid first.
I used this resource for guidance:
Therefore the link the user clicks to retrieve any given blob is in the following format:[SAS Token URI for Blob]
The orginal SAS Token URI is appended as a QueryString, and the controller action examines the time element to see if it's expired - if it has, it redirects it to a friendly error page, if not, it proceeds to download the blob.
This functions beautifully when run through VS locally. When deployed to my app service (Linux) I receive the SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error.
The app service is using a custom domain with an App Service Managed Certificate.
Here is a sample of the link being sent to the proxy:
I'm assuming my issue is with the App Service Managed Certificate SSL - is this something I can change or does it require a different certificate? All help is very gratefully appreciated!