After upgrading to the latest visual studio for windows (17.6.5) , xcode (14.3.1) and xamarin.ios on the mac ( Deploying to a physical device just fails "An error occurred executing MTouch." It builds fine and runs on a simulator.
Im convinced i had it running under iOS16 yesterday but today its the same mtouch error.
Looking in the logs in the mac i can see it is trying to execute mlaunch with -sdk 0.0 .
I assume this means it cannot find the required version of the sdk?
The release notes for xcode say "The Xcode 14.3.1 release supports on-device debugging in iOS 11 and later" so I have set my deployment target to 11, but no change. Do i need to install the older SDK's on the Mac somehow?
My main project is 5 years old, so I've tried creating a brand new Xamarin forms project and get the same error so its not project specific.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as ive been stuck for 3 days now.