These are regular Sharepoint log files. I added both as "text/plain" and as "text/xml". The same thing with the addition of the PS1 type as text. PS1 are located in the SharePoint library. It turns out that the search robot gives an error on all types of content that I added manually. And there is no difference which file and which MIME TYPE I add.
SPS 2019: [Microsoft.CrawlerFlow] DocParser - :Error:1:230:log:log:System.Text.ASCIIEncoding

$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
New-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat -SearchApplication $ssa -FormatId "log" -FormatName "log" -MimeType "text/plain"
Get-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat -SearchApplication spapp01_Search_Service_App01 | Where-Object {$_.identity -eq "log"}
Identity : log
MimeType : text/log
Extension : .log
BuiltIn : False
Enabled : True
UseIFilter : True
GoTo: Search Administration > File Types > click "New File Type"
add LOG
Reboot SearchApp servers
\server\LOGS\log-20230724-1745.logUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window). Open Menu
Processing this item failed because of an initialization failure in the IFilter parser. ( Error parsing document ssic://136. Filter loading error. No filter installed for extension '.log'.; ; SearchID = E4D9554C-8FD6-4CA3-8307-C5D324305D13 )
07.26.2023 16:20:03.43 mssdmn.exe (0x20F8) 0x38D8 SharePoint Server Search Crawler:FilterDaemon e4vi Medium ****** ResolveLocalGroups failed for Url: \\LOGS\IIS\W3SVC1686912790\u_ex230719.log, hr = 80070005 [fltrdaemon.cxx:2709] \search\native\mssdmn\fltrdaemon.cxx b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
07.26.2023 16:20:28.19 NodeRunnerContent1-5de092a2-c1a (0x248C) 0x2290 Search Document Parsing aoe67 Medium [Microsoft.CrawlerFlow] DocParser - :Error:1:230:log:log:System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:5602:0:0c37852b-34d0-418e-91c6-2ac25af4be5b:6:Filter:305005:Microsoft.Ceres.Evaluation.DataModel.EvaluationException,Microsoft.Ceres.DocParsing.Runtime.Client.ParsingException(ErrorCode=FilterInitializationError, InternalErrorCode=0x00000000),:0 b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
07.26.2023 16:20:28.19 NodeRunnerContent1-5de092a2-c1a (0x248C) 0x2290 Search Document Parsing aoe6u Critical Search Component: Content1-5de092a2-c1a3-423c-b916-d97f1a1c7fd3 - Failed to load the format handler used to parse documents of the log format. Exception info: [ExceptionType=Microsoft.Ceres.Evaluation.DataModel.EvaluationException], [Stacktrace= [InnerException: [ExceptionTypeMicrosoft.Ceres.DocParsing.Runtime.Client.ParsingException], [StackTrace=]] b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
07.26.2023 16:20:28.19 NodeRunner.exe (0x248C) 0x2290 Document Management Server Reporting bgn9p Medium DLP.Operator.CTS.Classify [Correlation:b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334] Start: My Scenario Start b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
07.26.2023 16:20:28.21 NodeRunnerContent1-5de092a2-c1a (0x248C) 0x2290 Search Data Loss Prevention blojk High DLPUtilities.ShouldSaveClassificationContext: IPSearchClassificationContext flighting hasn't been enabled in the current farm. b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
07.26.2023 16:20:28.21 NodeRunner.exe (0x248C) 0x2290 Document Management Server Reporting bgn9q Medium DLP.Operator.CTS.Classify [Correlation:b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334] Success: My Scenario Success b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
07.26.2023 16:20:28.21 NodeRunnerContent1-5de092a2-c1a (0x248C) 0x2290 Search Linguistic Processing 5besl Medium Use title for detect : u_ex230719.log, detector language with title is System.String[], file extension is : log b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
07.26.2023 16:21:01.38 mssearch.exe (0x2AF4) 0x3B38 SharePoint Server Search Crawler:Gatherer Service fus3 Medium Transaction failed in plugin IPOC Url \\LOGS\IIS\W3SVC1686912790\u_ex230719.log Error 0x8004fe2a [gthrtrx.cxx:959] \search\native\gather\gthrsvc\gthrtrx.cxx b907e0f8-d848-4552-afe9-8761a1a5d334
$farm = Get-SPFarm
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
16 0 10396 20000
If added as "text/plain":
$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
New-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat -SearchApplication $ssa -FormatId "log" -FormatName "LOGFILE" -MimeType "text/plain"
Nothing changes....