AROCKIA TAGORE I Thanks for posting your question in Microsoft Q&A. This is still a limitation as per current design and you can refer doc and adjust the policy code in the error handling section (for all Operations/single API/All APIs) as below.
Policy snippet: (from the doc; validated in my APIM)
<when condition="@(context.LastError.Source == "configuration" && context.LastError.Reason == "OperationNotFound")">
<set-status code="405" reason="Method not allowed" />
return new JObject(
new JProperty("status", "HTTP 405"),
new JProperty("message", "Method not allowed"),
new JProperty("text", context.Response.StatusCode.ToString()),
new JProperty("errorReason", context.LastError.Message.ToString())
<otherwise />
Note: The workaround above has a limitation that it will show 405 also when the request URL is not found.
I hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
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