Hi all;
I am going to use temporal tables to keep a full audit trail of all changes to records in my key tables. One thing I have already implemented is each of those key record models implements:
public interface IAuditTrail
/// <summary>
/// The IdentityUser.Id (AppUser.AspNetUserId) of the user who updated (or created) this record.
/// </summary>
public string? UpdaterUserId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The IP address of the user who updated (or created) this record.
/// </summary>
public string? UpdaterIpAddress { get; set; }
And just before calling SaveChangesAsync()
I first call (method added to my DbContext class):
public void SetAuditFields(IAuditTrail? primaryRecord, string? userId, string? userIpAddress)
// if we have a primary, set it
if (primaryRecord != null)
primaryRecord.UpdaterUserId = userId;
primaryRecord.UpdaterIpAddress = userIpAddress;
var entries = ChangeTracker.Entries();
foreach (var entry in entries)
if (entry.State != EntityState.Added && entry.State != EntityState.Modified)
if (entry.Entity is not IAuditTrail entity)
entity.UpdaterUserId = userId;
entity.UpdaterIpAddress = userIpAddress;
This means for the INSERT and every UPDATE I have the logged in user who performed the action and the IP address they performed it from. This part is great.
But for a DELETE I don't have this. Is there a way with temporal tables to have a final row written that will have the UpdaterUserId and UpdaterIpAddress of the individual doing the delete? Is there some call I can make to add a row to the temporal table for this?
thanks - dave