How to get the next cells of a special column with dynamic conditions and remove extra cells. 'LINQ'

Mansour_Dalir 1,716 Reputation points

hi . Wishing everyone good health .

I want to reach the result by 'LINQ'. All 'Word' are variable. I used 'Word' here as an example. In the (get) section, there was no null word, no problem. (A_Get:null/A_Get:) First, bring their children close to him (A_Get And B_Get ), then remove the items From 'RemoveList' Because 'End' may be among the eliminations . Thankful.

        'Always fixed  'A_Get:','B_Get:','Limit End' and '|',
	     ' 'End' is among the deletions 
        Dim RemoveList As String() = {"RemOve1", "Remove2", "Delete", "I am Redundant","End"}
        Dim sttMain As String() = {"A|Delete|Word|A_Get:|1|2|3|B_Get:|End|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",
            "B|Remove2|Word|A_Get:|1|2|B_Get:|1|2|End|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",
            "C|I am Redundant|Word|A_Get:|2|ABC|5|B_Get:|End|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",
            "D|Word|RemOve1|A_Get:|B_Get:|End|I am Redundant|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",
            "E|Word|RemOve1|A_Get:|1|2|B_Get:|Helo!|3|End|I am Redundant|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",
           "F|Word|I am Redundant|A_Get:|1|B_Get:|2|OK|End|I am Redundant|Word|RemOve1|Word|Limit End|Other Word"}
        Dim Result As String() = {"A|Word|A_Get:1,2,3|B_Get:null|Word|Word",

Then I extract the important data from this table by this code.


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  1. Jiachen Li-MSFT 29,106 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Mansour_Dalir ,

    Please check if the following code helps.

    I treated End as a separate markup element, removing it from the RemoveList.

            Dim results As List(Of String) = sttMain.Select(Function(line)
                                                               Dim elements As String() = line.Split("|"c)
                                                               Dim result As New StringBuilder()
                                                               Dim ABelement As Boolean = False
                                                               Dim keepAdding As Boolean = True
                                                               For Each element As String In elements
                                                                   If Not RemoveList.Contains(element) Then
                                                                       If element = "A_Get:" Then
                                                                           ABelement = True
                                                                       ElseIf element = "B_Get:" Then
                                                                           If result(result.Length - 1) = ":" Then
                                                                           End If
                                                                           ABelement = True
                                                                       ElseIf element = "End" Then
                                                                           If result(result.Length - 1) = ":" Then
                                                                           End If
                                                                           ABelement = False
                                                                       ElseIf element = "Limit End" Then
                                                                           keepAdding = False
                                                                           Exit For ' Ignore the rest of the elements starting from "Limit End"
                                                                           If ABelement Then
                                                                               If result.Length > 0 Then
                                                                               End If
                                                                           End If
                                                                       End If
                                                                   End If
                                                               result.Replace(":,", ":")
                                                               Return result.ToString()
                                                           End Function).ToList()
            For Each result In results

    Best Regards.

    Jiachen Li

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  1. Azar 22,355 Reputation points MVP

    Hi @Mansour_Dalir

    1. Define a helper function to extract the specific strings based on the dynamic conditions.
    2. Use LINQ to process each element in the sttMain array and create the resulting array.
    Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions  Module MainModule     Sub Main()         Dim RemoveList As String() = {"RemOve1", "Remove2", "Delete", "I am Redundant"}         Dim sttMain As String() = {             "A|Delete|Word|A_Get:|1|2|3|B_Get:|End|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",             "B|Remove2|Word|A_Get:|1|2|B_Get:|1|2|End|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",             "C|I am Redundant|Word|A_Get:|2|ABC|5|B_Get:|End|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",             "D|Word|RemOve1|A_Get:|B_Get:|End|I am Redundant|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",             "E|Word|RemOve1|A_Get:|1|2|B_Get:|Helo!|3|End|I am Redundant|Word|Word|Limit End|Other Word",             "F|Word|I am Redundant|A_Get:|1|B_Get:|2|OK|End|I am Redundant|Word|RemOve1|Word|Limit End|Other Word"         }          Dim Result As String() = sttMain.Select(Function(input) ProcessString(input, RemoveList)).ToArray()          For Each res In Result             Console.WriteLine(res)         Next     End Sub      Function ProcessString(input As String, removeList As String()) As String         Dim parts As String() = input.Split("|"c)         Dim identifier As String = parts(0)         Dim data As String() = parts.Skip(1).ToArray()          ' Remove unwanted elements         data = data.Where(Function(item) Not removeList.Contains(item)).ToArray()          ' Process 'A_Get' and 'B_Get' sections         Dim regex As New Regex("(A_Get:|B_Get:)(.*?)\|")         data = regex.Replace(String.Join(",", data), Function(match As Match) _             If(match.Groups(1).Value = "A_Get:", "A_Get:" & String.Join(",", match.Groups(2).Value.Split(" "c).Where(Function(s) Not removeList.Contains(s)).ToArray()), _                                               "B_Get:" & String.Join(",", match.Groups(2).Value.Split(" "c).Where(Function(s) Not removeList.Contains(s)).ToArray()))).Split(","c)          Return identifier & "|" & String.Join("|", data) & "|Word|Word"     End Function End Module 

    If this helps kindly accept answer thanks.