[Note] This thread was originally posted on MSDN. As the MSDN Exchange Dev forum mainly focuses on Exchange developer questions and the TechNet Exchange forums for Non-developer Exchange has been locked down and transitioned to Microsoft Q&A for support, we manually migrated this one to Microsoft Q&A platform to continue the discussion.
[MSDN thread link] Out of Office Uniform Template
[Original post]
Dear Team
I have a requirement to set the Out of Office Template for all users within company.Can i enable the belwo template in outlook for all users and they can just select date and time and modify the relevant content. I am using Exchange Server 2016 in hybrid mode with office 365. Is below possible in anyway like GPO or Exchange powershell
Automatic out of office reply:
Thank you for your email. I am out of office from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy. I may not have regular access to my emails. Therefore, for urgent matters please contact the following colleague(s):" 1. (Name) (Function / Department) at (email Address) 2. (Name) (Function / Department) at (email Address) 3. (Name) (Function / Department) at (email Address)