Data assets not showing up on Azure Machine Learning Designer

Kennedy Sousa 30 Reputation points

I am currently facing a problem regarding the data assets on Azure ML.

While we can access them through Data > Data Assets, they aren't showing up within the Designer. Instead, we get an error message saying "Using skip when querying multiple tenants is not supported".

Interestingly, we do not have any multi-tenant scenario and some users mentioned that they had been able to view the data assets earlier but noticed this capability missing sometime around the end of July.

It's important to note that the users are still able to access the data assets through other methods such as Notebooks or Automated ML.

Upon reviewing the API requests in the browser's Network tab, we noticed that some calls to https://<redacted> are resulting in Status Code 400 Bad Request and the payload does include an attribute "skip". We removed this attribute from the payload and resent the request and were able to get a Status Code 200 with a list of assets as the response body, which makes us believe that this is an issue in the Designer itself.

Is anyone having the same problem?

Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning
An Azure machine learning service for building and deploying models.
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  1. Guilherme Lima 20 Reputation points

    I'm experiencing the same issue.

    The reason is that datasets created with Azure ML v2 are not currently supported by Designer and Pipelines.

    I was able to create a Datastore with the Azure ML v1 API and it shows up in the Designer/Pipelines

    4 people found this answer helpful.

  2. Ramin 0 Reputation points

    Had the same error, in my case it seems it was because of the customer managed keys, deleted the workspace, created a new one with microsoft-managed keys and it works now.

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