Hi @Wayne LaFrance
Thanks for contacting Microsoft Q&A.
So based on the notes, I understand that on your "Azure Portal Dashboard" you see a storage account, however getting as error "You do not have a valid subscription" when you click on it to access.
There could be several reasons, few as below.
- You have access to a shared dashboard from your colleague.
- You lost access to your subscription - please check with any of your colleagues.
- can you open a command prompt and run "ping yourstorageaccountname.blob.core.windows.net" - you will receive a "request timed out" as ICMP is blocked but with a public IP address, this means the storage account is running and alive.
- Based on the error "You only have access to one Directory" and "The resource principal/app id not found in this tenant" - It looks like you lost access to a subscription part of a different tenant, please work with your team to gain your access back.
And you mentioned about "add-in", can you please give me more details.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any further queries.