I want the CategoryDDL to be populated from Burned.txt and not I want to remove the hardcoding
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" CodeBehind="Burned.aspx.cs" Inherits="Weight.Burned" %>
<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<body style="background-color:powderblue;">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" >
<title>METS APP</title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#CategoryDDL').change(function () {
$('#Calculate').click(function Calculate() {
var weigth = 0;
var weightsel='';
var time = 0;
var perform = 'y';
var MEts = $('#DescriptionDDL option:selected').val();
weigth = $('#DropDownList1 option:selected').text() == 'lbs' ? $('#tb_Weight').val() / 2.2 : $('#tb_Weight').val();
time = $('#DropDownList2 option:selected').text() == 'min' ? $('#tb_time').val() / 60 : $('#tb_time').val();
if (weigth <30 || weigth > 200)
alert("Weight out of range !");
perform = 'n';
if (time > 4)
alert("Time out of range !");
perform = 'n';
if (perform == 'y') {
$('#result').val(weigth * time * MEts);
function setOption() {
var DefaultOption = '<option selected disabled>' + "- Select -" + '</option>';
var Category = $('#CategoryDDL option:selected').text();
if (Category != '- Select -') {
$.getJSON('BURNED.json', function (data) {
for (var act of data.burned.ACTIVITY) {
if (act.CATEGORY.toLowerCase() == Category.toLowerCase()) {
var option = '<option value=' + act.METS + '>' + act.DESC + '</option>';
<h1>Burned Calories</h1>
<br />
Weight : <br /><input name="tb_Weight" type="number" id="tb_Weight" />
<select name="DropDownList1" id="DropDownList1">
<!-- <option value="0">kg</option>!-->
<option value="0">lbs</option>
<br />
Activity Time : <br /><input name="tb_time" type="number" id="tb_time" />
<select name="DropDownList2" id="DropDownList2">
<option value="0">min</option>
<option value="1">hr</option>
<br />
Activity : <br /><select name="CategoryDDL" id="CategoryDDL">
<option selected="selected" value="- Select -" disabled="">- Select -</option>
<option value="0">bicycling</option>
<option value="1">conditioning exercise</option>
<option value="2">dancing</option>
<option value="3">fishing and hunting</option>
<option value="4">inactivity quiet/light</option>
<option value="5">lawn and garden</option>
<option value="6">music playing</option>
<option value="7">running</option>
<option value="8">self care</option>
<option value="9">sports</option>
<option value="10">transportation</option>
<option value="11">walking</option>
<option value="12">water activities</option>
<option value="13">winter activities</option>
<br />
Description : <br /><select id="DescriptionDDL"></select>
<br />
<button type="button" id="Calculate" value="Calculate">Calculate</button>
<br />
Result In Calories: <input name="result" type="text" id="result" readonly/>
"burned": {
"CD": "1003",
"METS": "14",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, mountain, uphill, vigorous"
"CD": "1004",
"METS": "16",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, mountain, competitive, racing"
"CD": "1008",
"METS": "8.5",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, BMX"
"CD": "1009",
"METS": "8.5",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, mountain, general"
"CD": "1010",
"METS": "4",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, <10 mph, leisure, to work or for pleasure (Taylor Code 115)"
"CD": "1011",
"METS": "6.8",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, to/from work, self selected pace"
"CD": "1013",
"METS": "5.8",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, on dirt or farm road, moderate pace"
"CD": "1015",
"METS": "7.5",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, general"
"CD": "1018",
"METS": "3.5",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, leisure, 5.5 mph"
"CD": "1019",
"METS": "5.8",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, leisure, 9.4 mph"
"CD": "1020",
"METS": "6.8",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, 10-11.9 mph, leisure, slow, light effort"
"CD": "1030",
"METS": "8",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, 12-13.9 mph, leisure, moderate effort"
"CD": "1040",
"METS": "10",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, 14-15.9 mph, racing or leisure, fast, vigorous effort"
"CD": "1050",
"METS": "12",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, 16-19 mph, racing/not drafting or > 19 mph drafting, very fast, racing general"
"CD": "1060",
"METS": "15.8",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, > 20 mph, racing, not drafting"
"CD": "1065",
"METS": "8.5",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, 12 mph, seated, hands on brake hoods or bar drops, 80 rpm"
"CD": "1066",
"METS": "9",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "bicycling, 12 mph, standing, hands on brake hoods, 60 rpm"
"CD": "1070",
"METS": "5",
"CATEGORY": "bicycling",
"DESC": "unicycling"
"CD": "2001",
"METS": "2.3",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "activity promoting video game (e.g., Wii Fit), light effort (e.g., balance, yoga)"
"CD": "2003",
"METS": "3.8",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "activity promoting video game (e.g., Wii Fit), moderate effort (e.g., aerobic, resistance)"
"CD": "2005",
"METS": "7.2",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "activity promoting video/arcade game (e.g., Exergaming, Dance Dance Revolution), vigorous effort"
"CD": "2008",
"METS": "5",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "army type obstacle course exercise, boot camp training program�"
"CD": "2010",
"METS": "7",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, general"
"CD": "2011",
"METS": "3.5",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, 30-50 watts, very light to light effort"
"CD": "2012",
"METS": "6.8",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, 90-100 watts, moderate to vigorous effort"
"CD": "2013",
"METS": "8.8",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, 101-160 watts, vigorous effort"
"CD": "2014",
"METS": "11",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, 161-200 watts, vigorous effort"
"CD": "2015",
"METS": "14",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, 201-270 watts, very vigorous effort"
"CD": "2017",
"METS": "4.8",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, 51-89 watts, light-to-moderate effort�"
"CD": "2019",
"METS": "8.5",
"CATEGORY": "conditioning exercise",
"DESC": "bicycling, stationary, RPM/Spin bike class�"
} ] } }