What is this c++ compiler message?!

drjackool 956 Reputation points


Platform: Win32/ATL

When i compiling my code following message printed in output window, but my code works fine.

My classes are template in headers.

\ListCtrlEx.h(132,7): message : while compiling class template member function 'void CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>::MoveSelectedItems(CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>::MoveMode,int)'
\ListCtrlEx.h(273,22): message : see the first reference to 'CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>::MoveSelectedItems' in 'CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>::OnLButtonUp'
\ListCtrlEx.h(282,3): message : see the first reference to 'CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>::OnLButtonUp' in 'CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>::ProcessWindowMessage'
\DetailView.h(122,3): message : see the first reference to 'CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>::ProcessWindowMessage' in 'CDetailView::ProcessWindowMessage'
\DetailView.h(28,11): message : see reference to class template instantiation 'CListCtrlDragImpl<CDetailListView>' being compiled
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