Azure B2C uses localizations on the frontend to allow for changing text strings like the text in the Sign In button. The email validation regex is one of these localization strings and its default value is the pattern you see within that error message.
This is documented here,%3C%202.0.0
To change this you will need to add the following section to your custom policies:
<LocalizedResources Id="api.signuporsignin.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="email_pattern">{{REGEX}}</LocalizedString>
This is under the assumption that you are using a content definition version < 2.0.0. So another option would be to update the content definition you are using. You can find more information here:
Hopefully this will fix the issue for you. As for if this is a bug; it is a possibility if you are using an outdated version of the content definitions. I say this as the regex shown is the default value and you do not have this regex in your custom policy.