Stuck with non working MS VIsual Studio Isolated Shell 2015 - can't uninstall it - can't re-install it

NP38111 101 Reputation points

Long story short, I am trying to install MS Visual Studio 2015 isolated shell (en-US), as is needed for another application.

That installation does not go anywhere, as nothing happens except the logo showing up on the screen for about 5-20 seconds and then it disappears.
I did try uninstaller, and forced uninstall...same thing...

From the Control Panel I can see that "MS Visual Studio 2015 isolated shell" is present and can't uninstall it (no uninstall option). After clicking on the 'change' button...same thing as mentioned before (logo pops up ...5-20sec...logo disappears)

I grabbed the dd_vs_isoshell_nnn.log from the collect tool and here are the bottom several lines :


[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:03]e000: MUX: ERROR: Unable to cast COM object of type 'MS.Win32.Penimc.PimcManager' to interface type 'MS.Win32.Penimc.IPimcManager'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{54A05253-96FA-4B98-B8FD-9534D7255914}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).

[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:03]e000: MUX: Stack: at MS.Win32.Penimc.UnsafeNativeMethods.get_PimcManager()
at System.Windows.Input.PenThreadWorker.WorkerOperationGetTabletsInfo.OnDoWork()
at System.Windows.Input.PenThreadWorker.WorkerOperation.DoWork()
at System.Windows.Input.PenThreadWorker.ThreadProc()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:03]i000: MUX: Metrics: ShouldSendData=True
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:03]i000: MUX: Permission to upload: Yes
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:03]i000: MUX: Preparing to serialize data.
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: Data serialized.
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]e000: MUX: WARNING: Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code.
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]e000: MUX: Stack: at System.Threading.Mutex.ReleaseMutex()
at Microsoft.Devdiv.Bootstrapper.MutexHolder.ReleaseMutex()
at Microsoft.Devdiv.Bootstrapper.UserFeedback.MetricsVariable.EndAndSend(Boolean sendNow, Boolean hasPermisisonToUpload, UInt32 appId, String& storeXml)
at Microsoft.Devdiv.Bootstrapper.UserFeedback.Metrics.Uninitialize(Boolean rebootInTheMiddleRequest, String& storeXml, Dictionary`2 appInsightProperties)

[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: Watson Bucketting Parameters
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P1 - vs_isoshell
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P2 - 14.0.23107.10
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P3 - 14.0.23107
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P4 - Modify
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P5 -
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P6 - Crash: System.InvalidCastException
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P7 - 5de9b53b
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P8 - 17e8
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: P9 - c
[08E8:275C][2020-10-22T12:07:04]i000: MUX: Adding Install Log to Watson=C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vs_isoshell_20201022120700.log


I googled this error but nothing.

Visual Studio Setup
Visual Studio Setup
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or mobile device.
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Accepted answer
  1. NP38111 101 Reputation points

    Ahhh, I found the solution by myself. Now writing reply just in case someone hits the similar problem.

    Not sure if needed by I re-registered penimc.dll. After this I got step further in uninstalling Isolated Shell 2015...after logo I got big black rectangle ...but nothing on it. As related framework for the penimc.dll was version 3.0, I found out that I don't have .NET 3.0.

    I have enabled .NET 3.5 (including 3.0 and 2.0) 'windows features' and let windows downloaded all the necessary files.
    After that voila!

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