/ISServer option does not return any output to the console or to the calling process

Sudhir Garg 0 Reputation points

When you execute an SSIS package using the /ISServer option in dtexec, the output of the package execution is sent to the Integration Services catalog, not to the console. By default, the /ISServer option does not return any output to the console or to the calling process.

Is there any way by which I can return /ISServer output to calling process in Jenkins.

I have already tried with attributes: /Console /consoleLog ,/reporting V(EW).

Below is script for Jenkins:

env.DTexecEXE = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\150\\DTS\\Binn\\dtexec.exe"

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'abdcd',                     
                     usernameVariable: 'Dsss', passwordVariable: 'Password')]) {
     timeout(time: 1, unit: 'DAYS') {    
       node("master") {        
            stage('DTSX Deploy') {            
                timeout(time: 8, unit: 'HOURS') {
                   def output = bat(script: """                      
                        SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION                       
                        echo Deploying Package    
                        "${env.DTexecEXE}" /SERVER "123433" /ISSERVER "\\SSISDB\\MI\\PackagesI\\TestPackage.dtsx" /Envreference 2  /CHECKPOINTING ON /REPORTING EW /ConsoleLog
                    """, returnStdout: true)
                   def errorLevel = bat(returnStatus: true, script: 'echo %ERRORLEVEL%').toInteger()
                   if (errorLevel == 0) {
                        println("SSIS package executed successfully")
                   } else {
                        println("SSIS package failed with error level: ${errorLevel}")
                        error("SSIS package failed")
                   if (output.contains("Error:")) {
                        println("SSIS package failed with the following error:")
                        error("SSIS package failed")
SQL Server Integration Services
SQL Server Integration Services
A Microsoft platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions.
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