@pankaj chaturvedi Welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum and thanks for reaching out here.
Account admin user should login to Azure Databricks account admin console to enable this feature.
If no users in your Azure Active Directory tenant have yet logged in to the Account Console, you or another user in your tenant must log in as the first account admin. To do this, you must be an Azure Active Directory Global Administrator
, but only when you first log in to the Azure Databricks Account Console. Upon first login, you become an Azure Databricks account admin and no longer need the Azure Active Directory Global Administrator role to access the Azure Databricks account. As the first account admin, you can assign users in the Azure Active Directory tenant as additional account admins (who can themselves assign more account admins). Additional account admins do not require specific roles in Azure Active Directory.
How to identify your Microsoft Azure global administrators for your subscriptions?
The global administrator has access to all administrative features. By default, the person who signs up for an Azure subscription is assigned the global administrator role for the directory. Only global administrators can assign other administrator roles.
Login into the Azure Databricks account console via Global admin and then account admin can assign users in the Azure Active Directory tenant.
Note: In case if you are not the Azure global administrator, then you need to reach out to your Global Administrator and work with them in enabling this feature by logging in to Azure Databricks account admin console.
Hope this info helps.
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