Different updates in two way binding

BitSmithy 1,951 Reputation points


I want to bind Rectangle.WidthProperty to TextBox.

But ... I want to have such behavior.

If I type width value in TextBox it should to be transported to Rectange Explit

If I change widt in Rectangle code behind, it should be transported to TextBox on PropertyChanged.

Is there possible to do such behavior in UWP?

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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  1. Junjie Zhu - MSFT 16,146 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hello @BitSmithy ,

    Welcome to Microsoft Q&A!

    It is recommended that you use element binding Text="{Binding ElementName=rectangleTest, Path=Width}", and change the Rectangle.WidthProperty in event TextChanged.

        <Rectangle x:Name="rectangleTest" Height="200" Width="100" Fill="Red"/>
        <TextBox x:Name="textboxTest" Text="{Binding ElementName=rectangleTest, Path=Width}" TextChanged="textboxTest_TextChanged" Height="50" Width="100"/>
        <Button Content="change the width" Click="Button_Click" />
    private void textboxTest_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
        double dbWidth;
        if (double.TryParse(textboxTest.Text, out dbWidth))
            if (dbWidth >= 0)
                rectangleTest.Width = dbWidth;
    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        rectangleTest.Width = 300;

    Thank you.

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