crikeyitsbigmikey, thank you for posting this question on Microsoft Q&A.
The following is some basic information that should help you understand the behavior that you are observing.
- "Log Analytics Workspace" has a greater number of tables available than you see under "Logs" in portal. For a list of all default available tables, see Azure Monitor Logs table reference organized by category.
- In Portal, only those tables are shown which are not empty. Therefore, if you use a LA workspace to monitor only App Service, there is a chance that you would not see "Heartbeat" table in the list. Although, running a query against this table would not fail but will return with 0 rows.
- When CLI is used to get the list of all tables available, this visual filter is not applied (to return only the tables which are not empty). Therefore, the list of tables that you get from there is much larger than what you see in portal.
If you are looking for something specific, please do share it here so that we can help you out with an alternative, as applicable.
Hope this helps.
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