Praveen Balaji M Welcome to Microsoft Q & A Community Forum. Kindly follow below steps to verify :
- Carefully review the prerequisites here.
- Verify that the extension was successfully installed and provisioned, which installs the agent binaries on your machine:
- Open Azure portal > select your virtual machine > Open Settings : Extensions + applications from the pane on the left > 'AzureMonitorWindowsAgent'should show up with Status: 'Provisioning succeeded'
- If not, check if machine can reach Azure and find the extension to install using the command below:
az vm extension image list-versions --location <machine-region> --name AzureMonitorWindowsAgent --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Monitor
- Wait for 10-15 minutes as extension maybe in transitioning status. If it still doesn't show up, uninstall and install the extension again and repeat the verification to see the extension show up.
- If not, check if you see any errors in extension logs located at
on your machine
- If not, check if you see any errors in extension logs located at
- Wait for 10-15 minutes as extension maybe in transitioning status. If it still doesn't show up, uninstall and install the extension again and repeat the verification to see the extension show up.
- If not, check if machine can reach Azure and find the extension to install using the command below:
- Open Azure portal > select your virtual machine > Open Settings : Extensions + applications from the pane on the left > 'AzureMonitorWindowsAgent'should show up with Status: 'Provisioning succeeded'
- Verify that the agent is running:
- Check if the agent is emitting heartbeat logs to Log Analytics workspace using the query below. Skip if 'Custom Metrics' is the only destination in the DCR:
Heartbeat | where Category == "Azure Monitor Agent" and 'Computer' == "<computer-name>" | take 10
- If not, open Task Manager and check if 'MonAgentCore.exe' process is running. If it is, wait for 5 minutes for heartbeat to show up.
- If not, check if you see any errors in core agent logs located at
on your machine
- If not, check if you see any errors in core agent logs located at
- If not, open Task Manager and check if 'MonAgentCore.exe' process is running. If it is, wait for 5 minutes for heartbeat to show up.
- Check if the agent is emitting heartbeat logs to Log Analytics workspace using the query below. Skip if 'Custom Metrics' is the only destination in the DCR:
If none of the above helps, file a ticket with Summary as 'AMA extension provisioned but not running' and Problem type as 'I need help with Azure Monitor Windows Agent'.