Hi @zoe Ohara
The correct way to connect to SQL Server instance is SQLServerNetworkName\Instance name
if you are having named instance of SQL Server. If you have default instance your connection would be just SQLServerNetworname
. This will make sure no matter which node is owning the SQL Server resource it will always direct you to the node owning the SQL Server resource.
Now let is say you have two nodes as Node1 and Node2 and currently SQL Server instance name PO is online on Node1. Then even if you connect using Node1\PO it will connect because this is node owning resource but this is not the correct way. The correct string should be SQLServerNetworkName\PO
Some of the apps and users connect to the current one using the format: SQLCL1\NLP
This means there is an instance NLP on node which is SQLCL1 and like I said above people may use Nodename\instanceName to connect but this is not correct way. The correct way is SQLServernetworkname\NLP assuming NLP is clustered SQL Server instance.
I hope this clear things.