Azure AI Document Intelligence
An Azure service that turns documents into usable data. Previously known as Azure Form Recognizer.
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var client = new FormRecognizerClient(new Uri(endPoint), credential);
Stream stream = file.OpenReadStream();
var options = new RecognizeInvoicesOptions() { Locale = parserServiceLocale, Pages = { pageNumber.ToString() }, IncludeFieldElements = true };
RecognizeInvoicesOperation operation = await client.StartRecognizeInvoicesAsync(stream, options);
Hi @Ashik Chittari,
Does the gif below is you want ?
Here is the sample code:
using Azure.AI.FormRecognizer.DocumentAnalysis;
using Azure;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Azure.AI.FormRecognizer;
using Azure.AI.FormRecognizer.Models;
namespace signalr_iwa.Controllers
public class TestController : Controller
private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _host;
public TestController(IWebHostEnvironment host) {
_host = host;
private async Task WriteSseEventAsync(HttpResponse response, string data)
await response.WriteAsync($"data: {data}\n\n");
await response.Body.FlushAsync();
public async Task formrecognizer() {
string endpoint = "";
string apiKey = "0631fa0****0f63723";
var credential = new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey);
var client = new FormRecognizerClient(new Uri(endpoint), credential);
string invoicePath = Path.Combine(_host.WebRootPath, "pdf", "sample-invoice.pdf");
using var stream = new FileStream(invoicePath, FileMode.Open);
var options = new RecognizeInvoicesOptions()
IncludeFieldElements = true
var operation = client.StartRecognizeInvoices(stream, options);
Response<RecognizedFormCollection> operationResponse = operation.WaitForCompletionAsync().Result;
RecognizedFormCollection recognizedInvoices = operationResponse.Value;
var response = Response;
response.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8");
foreach (var recognizedForm in recognizedInvoices)
Console.WriteLine($"Form type: {recognizedForm.FormType}");
foreach (var field in recognizedForm.Fields)
if (field.Value.ValueData != null) {
Console.WriteLine($"Field name: {field.Key}, Value: {field.Value.ValueData.Text}, Confidence: {field.Value.Confidence}");
await WriteSseEventAsync(response, $"Field name: {field.Key}, Value: {field.Value.ValueData.Text}, Confidence: {field.Value.Confidence}");
//await Task.Delay(800);
I save the pdf file under the wwwroot.
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