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I understand that you would like to use a single NIC for multiple Private EndPoints.
- Please note that a private endpoint creates a "managed" NIC.
- This is different from the NIC we create for a virtual machine and unlike VM NICs, this managed NIC is Read-Only and is completely maintained by the platform.
- Users will not be able to modify this or make custom configurations.
This is documented in the FAQ Section as well
Can I modify my Private Endpoint Network Interface Card (NIC)?
When a private endpoint is created, a read-only NIC is assigned. The NIC can't be modified and will remain for the life cycle of the Private endpoint.
So, the suggestion is that you use multiple managed NICs for the PEs in a single Subnet.
And apply NSG or UDR in the subnet where these NICs are deployed.
- This should provide you with a single point of management.
- Make sure you enable network policies for private endpoints
Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance here.
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