with XAML (WinUI3) GridView and SelectionMode="Extended", how from c++ code (or even CS) can I deselect items that the user clicked.

Mart Goodall 20 Reputation points

SelectionMode="Extended" allows many items to be clicked at once. after clicking, multiple items can be drag/dropped onto a target. Once this happens, I need, via C++ code, to deselect certain items that were clicked. what is the way to perform the deselect of individual items, or even deselect of all items. Currently they remain selected until the user manually clicks each one again to toggle the selection off.

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  1. Xiaopo Yang - MSFT 11,746 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    According to Extended selection,

    The SelectedIndex, SelectedItem, and SelectedItems properties are synchronized. For example, if you set SelectedIndex to -1, SelectedItem is set to null and SelectedItems is empty. And if you set SelectedItem to null, SelectedIndex is set to -1 and SelectedItems is empty. In multi-select mode, SelectedItem contains the item that was selected first, and Selectedindex contains the index of the item that was selected first.

    Or you can use the ListViewBase.DeselectRange(ItemIndexRange) Method.

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