Hi. I am setting up a user application using ASP.NET MVC .NET6.0. I am having trouble displaying values from a database table in a dropdown list on my cshtml razor page.
My Controller:
public IActionResult Index(bool ShowMessage = false, string Message = "", int profileOption = 1)
if (_SharedFunctions.IntNullCheck(contxt.HttpContext!.Session?.GetInt32("userID")))
object user = new User(contxt.HttpContext!.Session?.GetInt32("userID"));
ViewBag.User = user;
if (profileOption == 2)
object userMsgOptions = new UserMsgOptions(contxt.HttpContext!.Session?.GetInt32("userID"));
List<FormValues_MsgIntervals> msgInts = _UserSettingsFunctions.GetMsgIntervals();
List<TextMsgUser> txtMsgUsers = _UserSettingsFunctions.GetTextMsgUsers(contxt.HttpContext!.Session?.GetInt32("userID"));
ViewBag.MessagingOptions = userMsgOptions;
ViewBag.MsgIntervals = msgInts;
ViewBag.TxtMessageUsers = txtMsgUsers;
ViewBag.showMessage = ShowMessage;
ViewBag.message = Message;
ViewBag.ProfileOption = profileOption;
return View("UserProfile");
return Redirect("https://www.aggoraonline.co.uk/dev/Login");
Above you can see that the values required are returned from the database by calling a method:
List<FormValues_MsgIntervals> msgInts = _UserSettingsFunctions.GetMsgIntervals();
And passed to the view using ViewBag:
ViewBag.MsgIntervals = msgInts;
GetMsgIntervals method:
public List<FormValues_MsgIntervals> GetMsgIntervals()
string sql = $@"SELECT ID, Model, FormItemOrderRef, FormItem
FROM [IOT_DB].[dbo].[tblFormValues]
WHERE Model = 'FormValues_MsgIntervals'
ORDER BY FormItemOrderRef";
DataTable dt = _DBSharedFunctions.DataTable_Required(sql);
List<FormValues_MsgIntervals> list = new();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
list.Add(new FormValues_MsgIntervals(
list.Insert(0, new FormValues_MsgIntervals(0, "FormValues_MsgIntervals", 0, "--- Select Value ---"));
return list;
As you can see, I am not using Entity Framework and simply using standard SQL to return a DataTable which I iterate through to create a list of objects instantiated from the class FormValues_MsgIntervals:
public class FormValues_MsgIntervals
private readonly DBSharedFunctions _DBSharedFunctions = new();
public int ID
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
public string? Model
get { return model; }
set { model = value; }
public int FormItemOrderRef
get { return formItemOrderRef; }
set { formItemOrderRef = value; }
public string? FormItem
get { return formItem; }
set { formItem = value; }
private int id;
private string? model;
private int formItemOrderRef;
private string? formItem;
public FormValues_MsgIntervals(int ID, string? Model, int FormItemOrderRef, string? FormItem)
this.id = ID;
this.model = Model;
this.formItemOrderRef = FormItemOrderRef;
this.formItem = FormItem;
The database table:
I am however finding it hard to display this as a drop-down list in the front end. Reading around this I have tried two approaches:
<select class="form-control" asp-items="@(new SelectList(ViewBag.MsgIntervals, "FormItem"))"></select>
Which resulted in:
@Html.DropDownList("MsgInterval", new SelectList(ViewBag.MsgIntervals, "FormItem"))
Which resulted in pretty much the same:
What I want displayed in the dropdown is the values in the database in the column ‘FormItem’.
I think that my backend is sound enough, I think I am just not quite getting the code in the View correct. Could anyone help?