Hello Eric Miller,
Welcome to the MS Q&A forum.
I experienced a problem with special characters such as '<>&' being altered in version 8.0.2428.146, which was released on August 29, 2023. However, I found out that the issue was fixed in the subsequent release.
To confirm that the issue has been resolved, I recommend testing with version 8.0.02463.153 of the My Apps Secure Sign-in Extension from the Chrome Web Store. I have tested the new version and it appears to be working correctly.
If the issue persists, you may want to try reinstalling the browser extension in the Edge browser from the Edge store at https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/my-apps-secure-signin-ex/gaaceiggkkiffbfdpmfapegoiohkiipl as a possible workaround.
After testing the above options, please let me know if you are still experiencing the issue.
Olga Os.