Microsoft ATA Console - Center Overloaded
Our Microsoft ATA Center has not been sending out daily reports like it used to, so upon investigating this we found an error in the Console:
Center overloaded
The Center, <servername>, is not able to handle the amount of data being transferred from the Gateways. If this alert doesn't automatically resolve, it means that your Center is at maximum capacity.
- Investigate the performance of the Center using the information collected in the data collector set named "Microsoft ATA Center".
- For additioinal information about how to identify perforance issues, see
We have 3 DCs. The ATA server has 2 CPUs with 2 cores per socket. It has 20 GB of memory and 250 GB of disk space--currently 102 GB free. I've tried looking through the logs at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics\Center\Logs but I couldn't find anything helpful. I also found the log file difficult to read.
I've looked through the Event Viewer and there are no logs there that point to what happened. I have suppressed the log but if there are troubleshooting steps I should take, I'd appreciate being pointed to them!