why AutoSuggestBox need click more than 1 time to choose item?

mc 3,866 Reputation points

the AutoSuggestBox need click more than 1 time

when I set the itemsSource the suggest list disappeared and I click it there is nothing happened.

I need click another time to choose it.

Windows App SDK
Windows App SDK
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion.
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Accepted answer
  1. Xiaopo Yang - MSFT 11,746 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    please try If you click the find icon you will set the itemsSource and then you tap a blank in the textbox there will show the list and you click one then there is nothing

    I can reproduce it.

    you click one then there is nothing

    I debugged and found that the click doesn't trigger the AutoSuggestBox.SuggestionChosen Event which could include a default function to set the AutoSuggestBox.Text.

    As a workaround indicated by the example, you can set it directly in AutoSuggestBox.QuerySubmitted for this condition.

            private void AutoSuggestBox_QuerySubmitted(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs args)
                //sender.SuggestionChosen += AutoSuggestBox_SuggestionChosen;
                if (args.ChosenSuggestion != null)
                    sender.Text = args.ChosenSuggestion.ToString();

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