We've updated the lab instructions to use dedicated compute instead of low-priority compute, which is controlled by a different quota. That should hopefully resolve the issue for folks using a free trial subscription.
AI-900 Exercise (Explore Automated Machine Learning in Azure Machine Learning): AzureMLCompute error
Exactly following the instructions of https://microsoftlearning.github.io/AI-900-AIFundamentals/instructions/02-module-02.html#use-automated-machine-learning-to-train-a-model, I got the following error:
AzureMLCompute job failed BadRequest: Resources required to run the job could not be provisioned, The specified subscription has a total quota of 0 cores and cannot accomodate 4 cores which are requested by the serverless job. Talk to your Subscription Admin or refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/machine-learning/how-to-manage-quotas#request-quota-increases to increase the total quota in the subscription
Is this a temporary issue? Is it because I have a free account?
I am trying now with "Compute". Thanks for helping me out, so I am better prepared for the next tasks.
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Graeme Malcolm [MSFT] 1 Reputation point Microsoft Employee