For the final answer we will need a little more information regarding your scenario
- Do you get bsod every time you join a meeting regardless of meeting specifics (video disabled, microphone disabled, ...)?
- Did you already upgrade MS teams desktop app to latest version?
- Do you know when and what changed since you could connect to ms teams meeting without bsod (after MS update, after drivers update, change in hardware, ...)
- I would susspect some media device driver, which you could probably upgrade or downgrade. But to be sure, use BSOD analyzer you are most familiar with and analyze the BSOD dump file.
You could use
- WinDbg -
- BlueScreenView -
- WhoCrashed -
BSOD dump location:
The goal is to identify what driver/process/... caused the BSOD, so you can continue in the right direction. If it will not be obvious after observing BSOD output, post back here.