#microsoft.graph.urlThreatSubmission Objet modification
I'm trying to make use of ressources derived from the threatSubmission abstract object (email, url, file) to modify the object tenantAllowOrBlockList. I have tried to replicate examples given in the documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/security-urlthreatsubmission-post-urlthreats?view=graph-rest-beta&tabs=http) but these don't seem to work (giving me this error "Invalid OData type specified"). I search for the objects in https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata but apparently they dont exist (#microsoft.graph.urlThreatSubmission, #microsoft.graph.emailThreatSubmission,#microsoft.graph.fileThreatSubmission).
Could you tell if this feature is going to be implemented soon ? is it just a bug that the objects are not present ?
Thanks in advance.