@José Luis Garcia Anticona Thank you for reaching out and sorry for delay in response to your ask.
According to the following MS documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/partitioning-overview
The number of physical partitions in your container depends on the following characteristics:
The amount of throughput provisioned (each individual physical partition can provide a throughput of up to 10,000 request units per second). The 10,000 RU/s limit for physical partitions implies that logical partitions also have a 10,000 RU/s limit, as each logical partition is only mapped to one physical partition.
The total data storage (each individual physical partition can store up to 50 GBs of data).
Physical partitions are an internal implementation of the system, and they are entirely managed by Azure Cosmos DB. When developing your solutions, don't focus on physical partitions because you can't control them. Instead, focus on your partition keys. If you choose a partition key that evenly distributes throughput consumption across logical partitions, you will ensure that throughput consumption across physical partitions is balanced.
There's no limit to the total number of physical partitions in your container. As your provisioned throughput or data size grows, Azure Cosmos DB automatically creates new physical partitions by splitting existing ones. Physical partition splits don't affect your application's availability. After the physical partition split, all data within a single logical partition will still be stored on the same physical partition. A physical partition split simply creates a new mapping of logical partitions to physical partitions.