Hello @Shane Corgatelli .
I understand that you would like to use Virtual WAN for centralized internet egress and vnet-to-vnet connectivity, while being able to differentiate the non-prod and prod egress traffic.
In case you are trying to use Virtual Hub, to isolate two VNets on Virtual WAN and have them use the same egress point, you can create a custom route table in each hub and associate the VNets to the route table. You can then configure the route tables to propagate to each other and to the default route table. This will allow the VNets to reach all branches (VPN, ER, and User VPN) while remaining isolated from each other, also you can check here for Custom Vnet Isolation, if you prefer: Scenario: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-wan/scenario-isolate-vnets-custom
You can also use Multiple Hubs with an Any-to-Any scenario:
This could, as well, be applied using Multiple Secure Hubs with Routing Intent. It is no longer the case that we cannot have more than one secured virtual hub per-region.
I created a lab similar to your requirement and I was able to deploy a single vWAN with 2 Secure vHUB (same region, in my case I have used West Europe).
There are few requirements/prerequisites to be followed.
How to configure Virtual WAN Hub routing policies - Azure Virtual WAN | Microsoft Learn
Advised you to give it a try and you tried it again via portal but it was giving you an error stating "You can't have more than one hub per virtual wan per region".
Then you tried to deploy it via Terraform and it worked and you were able to achieve your requirement successfully. Glad to hear that the issue is now resolved.
Regarding the portal error, it looks like a cosmetic bug on the portal for a few users. I've reported this to the Virtual WAN Product Group team and they will investigate and fix it accordingly.
Kindly let us know if you need further assistance on this issue.
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