Not able to save or publish a profile

Vkurd 81 Reputation points

I am not able to save changes in a profile, or publish an updated profile.

"Save" Error codes:
Error code: 412.470.006.200 / v1zdh9u42g.2
Error code: 412.470.006.200 / v1zdh9u42g.3
Error code: 412.470.006.200 / v1zdh9u42g.7

"Publish" Error codes:
Error code: 500.321.998.101 / 2mo8qg5wzxg.5
Error code: 500.321.998.101 / 2mo8qg5wzxg.6

Application ID is: eb76400d-10e7-435c-af00-84baf04da59f
Device: vitaly-fx30s-01

Azure IoT Central
Azure IoT Central
An Azure hosted internet of things (IoT) application platform.
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Accepted answer
  1. QuantumCache 20,106 Reputation points

    Hello @Vkurd , Thanks for reporting this to us, the Product team has taken action on this issue and responded to our query.

    The 412.470.006.200 errors are all _eTag mismatch errors trying to Patch modelDef doc.

    Please refresh on Ux to get the latest and call "Save" again should resolve this.

    The 500.321.998.101 are calls to publish which failed because of transient ESOCKETTIMEDOUT during that time..

    The Product Team has been notified and the recent fix should help in resolving both the cases above,

    We can refresh and retry again and it should work fine.

    Update: 11/18/2020.
    The Product Team has released a fix, that should help in resolving these issues.

    Please let us know if you need further help in this matter.

    Thank you,


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